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Grasshopper covers the foundations of JavaScript, how to create animations with code, teaches problem-solving techniques needed for technical interviews and introduces how to build a website with HTML and CSS. Here’s what each course covers:


- Fundamentals - How code works, calling functions, variables, strings, for loops, arrays, conditionals, operators, objects, and how all these things work together; string and array methods, creating functions, introducing recursion and callbacks, and importing libraries.

- Intro to Interviewing - Decompose and model real world problems so that they can be solved using code, utilizing computational thinking.

- Animations - Drawing shapes using the popular D3 library, defining functions, callback functions, and animations; creating more complex functions using D3 and integrating JavaScript features.

- Array Methods - Using multiple JavaScript array methods, such as indexOf, shift, includes, splice, map and reduce.

- Using a Code Editor - Introduction to a traditional style code editor (or IDE)

- Intro to Webpages - Covers basic HTML and CSS, then uses JavaScript to build an interactive webpage.


By the end of using Grasshopper’s current curriculum, you should be familiar with core programming concepts, be comfortable solving problems with code and be able to build a simple webpage.


Coding platforms

School grades

  • Põhikool
  • Kutsekool
  • Keskkool
  • Kõrgkool

School subjects

  • Programmeerimine


  • Inglise
  • Hispaania


  • Free