Brush Ninja
- Users
- Estonia 1
My school
Brush Ninja is a fun tool that students can use to learn about animation, to illustrate the concepts they have just learnt, or to make their presentations more interesting. Alternatively it can be a fun, free, way for teachers to creatively present ideas to their students.
Brush Ninja is free. All you need is a web browser, it just works.
No logins are needed. You can open the website and get started straight away.
It’s simple to use. My two and a half year old can (and does) create animations in Brush Ninja.
There’s no tracking or advertising. There is no need to worry about your privacy, or personal information being sold.
How to use Brush Ninja in Education?
To illustrate concepts & knowledge. Reinforce the things students have learnt by getting them to create a slideshow with key information.
Show their working. Particularly useful for Mathematics, students can display their thought processes and then tidy the animation up to show the final result.
Creative Writing. Present stories, animated comics, or short cartoons.
Animated Ideas. Brush Ninja is a great way to jot down ideas for creative projects.
Presentations. Add some motion to presentations by creating simple animations of the topic being presented.
Educational Games. Like Pictionary/ Charades style guessing games, or Quizes.
AnimationSchool grades
- Mitteformaalne haridus
- Eelkool
- Algkool
- Põhikool
- Keskkool
- Kutsekool
- Kõrgkool
School subjects
- Kõik ained
- Eesti keel
- Hispaania keel
- Inglise keel
- Prantsuse keel
- Rootsi keel
- Saksa keel
- Soome keel
- Vene keel
- Eesti keel
- Vene keel
- Kirjandus
- Matemaatika
- Bioloogia
- Füüsika
- Geograafia
- Keemia
- Loodusõpetus
- Inimeseõpetus
- Inimgeograafia
- Karjääriõpetus
- Psühholoogia
- Ühiskonnaõpetus
- Ajalugu
- Filosoofia
- Kunstiajalugu
- Muusikaajalugu
- Usundiõpetus
- Kunstiõpetus
- Muusika
- 3D
- Informaatika
- Programmeerimine
- Robootika
- Tehnoloogiaõpetus
- Lihtsustatud õppekava
- Käsitöö ja kodundus
- Kehaline kasvatus
- Majandus ja ettevõtlusõpe
- Riigikaitse
- Tööõpetus
- Uurimistöö
- Inglise
- Tasuta