- Users
- Estonia 0
My school
My Storybook allows students to engage in literacy in a creative and fun way and provides educators with the ability to tie multiple subjects together through the art of storytelling. If your students have email addresses, they can simply sign up and start using My Storybook right away. Children can follow along and learn how to craft their book step by step. They can add characters, pictures, drawings, and writing. When they finish writing their story, students can choose to publish their story and share the link with their class! is free to use. You can make unlimited number of stories, upload images, and share your stories for free. To support the site, we charge $5 for high quality printable PDFs of a storybook. After paying, you can still revise your story and reprint it as many times as you want.
School grades
- Eelkool
- Algkool
- Põhikool
School subjects
- Eesti keel
- Hispaania keel
- Inglise keel
- Prantsuse keel
- Rootsi keel
- Saksa keel
- Soome keel
- Vene keel
- Eesti keel
- Vene keel
- Kirjandus
- Bioloogia
- Füüsika
- Geograafia
- Keemia
- Loodusõpetus
- Inimeseõpetus
- Inimgeograafia
- Karjääriõpetus
- Psühholoogia
- Ühiskonnaõpetus
- Ajalugu
- Filosoofia
- Kunstiajalugu
- Muusikaajalugu
- Usundiõpetus
- Kunstiõpetus
- Muusika
- Informaatika
- Lihtsustatud õppekava
- Käsitöö ja kodundus
- Kehaline kasvatus
- Tööõpetus
- Inglise
- Free
- Authors: $ 10/kuu
- Educators: $ 28/kuu