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- Estonia 7
My school
Easily create tests for your class, business or organization. Distribute your tests online and get the results instantly. Testmoz does all the grading for you. In a few clicks, you can completely customize your test. You can quickly create questions, move them around, copy them, import questions from your other tests, change question types, and move questions into pools. Just email the URL to your students, or post on your website, and you're done. And when the results are in, Testmoz has the most comprehensive results page. At a glance you can see how everyone performed. You can search, sort, filter, partition, tag, archive, print, and email the results. You can dive into a student's results to see all their answers, leave feedback on their responses, and manually adjust their scores. Whether you have 10 results, or 10,000, Testmoz loads fast.
Quiz makersSchool grades
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- Keskkool
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School subjects
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- Inimgeograafia
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- Kunstiõpetus
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- Majandus ja ettevõtlusõpe
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- Free
- Teacher: $25/aasta