Teachers Pay Teachers is the go-to platform created by teachers, for teachers to access the community, content, and tools they need to teach at their best.
- Users
- Estonia 4
- My school 0
Crossword Labs is the simplest and fastest way to build, print, share and solve crossword puzzles online.
- Users
- Estonia 16
- My school 0
Brilliant replaces lecture videos with hands-on, interactive problem solving. It's better (and more fun) way to learn.
- Users
- Estonia 0
- My school 0
Worksheet Genius generators are ideal for homeschoolers, busy teachers or parents who want differentiated, randomized worksheets at the click of a button.
- Users
- Estonia 0
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 12
- My school 0
Õpetajasõbralik päevik, õppematerjalide haldamine, põhjalik suhtlusmoodul ja palju muud kooli igapäevatööks vajalikku.
- Users
- Estonia 28
- My school 0
From planning, brainstorming and note-taking to testing and scoring - find everything you need on a single platform.
- Users
- Estonia 3
- My school 0
Remember everything and tackle any project with your notes, tasks, and schedule all in one place.
- Users
- Estonia 1
- My school 0
From first day to finals, get homework help, exam prep & writing support—tailored to your courses.
- Users
- Estonia 0
- My school 0
Our easy-to-build presentations, interactive Polls, Quizzes, and Word Clouds mean more participation and less stress.
- Users
- Estonia 35
- My school 0
Save, organize and present multimedia content with your students, teachers and learning communities.
- Users
- Estonia 5
- My school 0
An online graphic design platform where everyone can create visuals for professional and personal needs in no time — design skills optional.
- Users
- Estonia 1
- My school 0
Krita is the full-featured free digital painting studio for artists who want to create professional work from start to end.
- Users
- Estonia 2
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 3
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 4
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 2
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 6
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 1
- My school 0