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Tutor.id is a private tutoring platform that connects students searching for a tutor with tutors looking to generate additional income.
Tutor.id was built to cater to the growing demand for students desiring to boost their educational studies. Online tutoring is proven remediation, which has helped many students to improve their grades in school. As a result of numerous studies conducted, lower-performing students confirm that online tutoring is the best effective alternative to support their typical day to day classroom studies.
Becoming an online tutor lets you teach whenever it suits you, and make money at the same time! Why not strut your skills and become a math tutor? How about empowering a student to communicate better by becoming an English tutor? Select topics that fit your expertise. Help hundreds of students who are searching for tutors like you to better prepare them for a new career, academic studies, or those who need that little bit extra in life. Tutoring is a noble profession that transforms people's lives.
Virtuaalne juhendamineKooliastmed
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- Hispaania keel
- Inglise keel
- Saksa keel
- Matemaatika
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- Filosoofia
- Usundiõpetus
- Muusika
- Informaatika
- Programmeerimine
- Robootika
- Tehnoloogiaõpetus
- Majandus ja ettevõtlusõpe
- Uurimistöö
- Inglise