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Make learning more fun: review vocabulary and spelling, teach new terms, and quiz students on new concepts. Crossword puzzles are exciting and easy to play, and since you write the clues, you can tailor them to your students and subject. You can share your crosswords online for at-home learning. Adding a crossword puzzle to your website is a great way to engage your users and get them to stay around. We keep it classy—EclipseCrossword doesn’t fill your site with ads or track your visitors. Add something more interesting to your next newsletter and boost readership: a crossword puzzle about what’s new in your organization. Add a link to an online puzzle, or get files that you can import into Word or your favorite publishing software. It’s easier than you think to create a great-looking custom crossword puzzle with the exact words that you want. EclipseCrossword is totally free, not a trial version.
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- Bioloogia
- Füüsika
- Geograafia
- Keemia
- Loodusõpetus
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- Inimgeograafia
- Karjääriõpetus
- Psühholoogia
- Ühiskonnaõpetus
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- Filosoofia
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- Usundiõpetus
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- 3D
- Informaatika
- Programmeerimine
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- Lihtsustatud õppekava
- Käsitöö ja kodundus
- Kehaline kasvatus
- Majandus ja ettevõtlusõpe
- Riigikaitse
- Tööõpetus
- Uurimistöö
- Inglise
- Free