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Storyboard That is an easy drag-and-drop creation platform. We offer a free version and a premium subscription version with extensive abilities. The Storyboard Creator allows people of all skill levels to create amazing visuals for teaching, learning, and communicating.
Started as a desktop application in 2012, Storyboard That has grown into a platform where teachers can create materials and lessons for their classes, students can take ownership of their voice and learning, and businesses can more effectively grow and communicate both internally and with clients.
Our creative lesson plans for teachers contain completed student examples and blank storyboard templates that you can tailor to your students. Copy activities and use with your class, or use these storyboard ideas as inspiration.
Our team of educators have created hundreds of lesson plans, activities, worksheets, and posters for all grade levels so that you, the extremely busy teachers, don’t have to recreate the wheel! All of our lesson plans and activities include a completed example, a blank template, basic directions, and a rubric. Everything can be edited to fit the needs of your students and your objectives.
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- Vene keel
- Kirjandus
- Matemaatika
- Bioloogia
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- Loodusõpetus
- Inimeseõpetus
- Inimgeograafia
- Karjääriõpetus
- Psühholoogia
- Ühiskonnaõpetus
- Ajalugu
- Filosoofia
- Kunstiajalugu
- Muusikaajalugu
- Usundiõpetus
- Kunstiõpetus
- Muusika
- 3D
- Informaatika
- Programmeerimine
- Robootika
- Tehnoloogiaõpetus
- Lihtsustatud õppekava
- Käsitöö ja kodundus
- Kehaline kasvatus
- Majandus ja ettevõtlusõpe
- Riigikaitse
- Tööõpetus
- Uurimistöö
- Inglise
- For Teachers: € 9.99/kuu
- For department: € 20.83/kuu
- For school/district: € 29.08/kuu