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Coursera partners with more than 200 leading universities and companies to bring flexible, affordable, job-relevant online learning to individuals and organizations worldwide. We offer a range of learning opportunities—from hands-on projects and courses to job-ready certificates and degree programs.
With the Coursera app, you can:
- Advance your career with recognized certificates from world-class universities like Duke, University of London, and Yale, and industry-leaders like Google, IBM, and Facebook.
- Master in-demand job skills through applied learning—including Python, digital marketing, and SQL—and learn from top instructors at leading universities and companies.
- Learn on your budget by enrolling in any of hundreds of free courses.
- Learn on your schedule with on-demand online lectures and downloadable videos for offline viewing.
- Get academic credentials by completing modular portions of a full degree with MasterTrack™ Certificate program.
- Kutsekool
- Kõrgkool
- Bioloogia
- Geograafia
- Loodusõpetus
- Inimeseõpetus
- Inimgeograafia
- Karjääriõpetus
- Psühholoogia
- Ühiskonnaõpetus
- Informaatika
- Robootika
- Tehnoloogiaõpetus
- Inglise
- Basic
- Institution: Custom/kuu
- Single course for student: $ 39/ühekordne tasu