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Loom is the video communication platform. Loom makes it easy to record quick videos of your screen and camera and instantly share them with a link. More than 14M users across more than 200k companies around the world trust Loom to share feedback, updates, intros, training, and more – every day. It's free for all teachers at schools, universities, or educational institutions using video messaging for classroom work.
Loom Virtual Classroom has many features that help teachers and students communicate easily through video. Pull up your class content onto your preferred presentation page (Google Slides or Powerpoint). Then launch the Loom recorder. Loom's drawing tool is a great way to provide feedback and make quick markings on your screen as you narrate. Markings will disappear after a few seconds to keep your screen clutter-free.
Choose between the Desktop App or Chrome Extension. The Desktop App has some additional features, but both will produce a great result. We also have an iPhone/iPad app if you’re recording on the go. Share the link with your students, teachers, or colleagues. The folks who view your videos do not need their own Loom account to watch it.
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- Free for educators