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Use Post-it® Notes anywhere and anytime. Post-it® App brings the simplicity of Post-it® Notes to your smartphone, tablet and Chromebook. Whether you use Post-it® Notes for teamwork and collaboration, or for reminders and personal note taking, Post-it® App helps you keep the momentum going.
If you work from home or as a student in remote learning, use the Post-it® App to share your ideas with co-workers, structure your assignments and share them with your teacher, or create colorful calendars and share them with your friends.
Simply capture analog notes with your camera or create digital notes right on your device. Arrange, refine and organize ideas anyway you see fit. Collaborate and share notes with co-workers, teachers and friends, or export to your favorite apps and cloud services—including Miro, Trello, Dropbox, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, and more.
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- Free