Google Jamboard
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Google Jamboard is both a combined app and interactive whiteboard system. Student tablet users can access a suite of editing tools to collaborate with students or educators and teachers and students can even access your content from a web browser as well.
Other features? Jamboard allows users to pull in images from a Google search, save work to the cloud automatically, use a handwriting and shape recognition tool, and draw with a stylus but erase with your finger just as you would with a whiteboard. Jamboard makes learning visible and accessible to all collaborators on the ‘jam session.’ You can also present your jams in real-time through Meet, allowing for screen sharing or making real-world connections. Jamboard also integrates with Google Classroom and obviously Google Drive, too.
Educators can engage all students in the learning process, whether working together in a traditional classroom, a group seminar setting, or through distance learning. The Jamboard app for Android and iOS makes it easy for students and educators to join in on the creativity from their phone, tablet, or Chromebook.
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