Loo õpilastele interaktiivseid teste ja töölehti, jälgi nende arengut ja jaga oma materjale Tebo Õpiveebi kogukonnale.
- Users
- Estonia 24
- My school 0
Eksamite infosüsteem ehk EIS on elektrooniline keskkond ülesannete koostamiseks ning testide ja eksamite läbiviimiseks.
- Users
- Estonia 33
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 46
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 9
- My school 0
Classtime is a solution for classrooms that complements in-class teaching with immediate feedback on students’ level of understanding.
- Users
- Estonia 10
- My school 0
Factile is a free learning platform that lets teachers create engaging jeopardy-style quiz games for the remote or in-person classroom
- Users
- Estonia 5
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 2
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 7
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 59
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 5
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 29
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 2
- My school 0
From planning, brainstorming and note-taking to testing and scoring - find everything you need on a single platform.
- Users
- Estonia 3
- My school 0
From first day to finals, get homework help, exam prep & writing support—tailored to your courses.
- Users
- Estonia 0
- My school 0
Seamlessly engage audiences across hybrid workspaces through live online polling, surveys, Q&As, quizzes, word clouds, and more.
- Users
- Estonia 0
- My school 0
Easily create and deliver interactive presentations, assessments, content, and track student progress - all in one platform.
- Users
- Estonia 0
- My school 0
TeacherMade makes online, auto-graded digital worksheets, homework, tests, quizzes, and other PDF activities easy to make & grade.
- Users
- Estonia 7
- My school 0
- Users
- Estonia 2
- My school 0