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Educators overseeing tiered intervention initiatives like PBIS, SEL, MTSS, or RTI can make lasting improvements to student behavior and school climate. By exhibiting positive behavior and completing assignments, students unlock real-life privileges and recognition to help themselves and their team. Learning becomes a way to encourage students to advocate for one another and feel empowered in the classroom and in life. Classcraft also empowers school staff — be it guidance counselors, bus drivers, or hall monitors— to engage in your school culture.
Building meaningful relationships with students is the key to great classroom management. Integrating SEL and mental health into your classroom will help them nurture critical soft skills in the school day and beyond. Get the best-in-class tools to manage PBIS, MTSS, and SEL initiatives with powerful analytics to better understand how your students are actually doing and drive better outcomes around referrals, attendance, and academic success.
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- Uurimistöö
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- Basic
- Premium: $120/aasta
- Schools & Districs: Custom/aasta