Loo õpilastele interaktiivseid teste ja töölehti, jälgi nende arengut ja jaga oma materjale Tebo Õpiveebi kogukonnale.
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Eksamite infosüsteem ehk EIS on elektrooniline keskkond ülesannete koostamiseks ning testide ja eksamite läbiviimiseks.
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- Minu kool 0 on interaktiivne õppimise ja õpetamise protsessi toetav veebirakendus, mis sisaldab interaktiivseid koostisosi (äppe), mida saab kas kohe õppetöösse lülitada või ka ise luua või muuta. Rakenduse eesmärk on korduvalt kasutatavaid äppe koguda ja avalikku kasutusse anda.
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Create unforgettable worksheets that grade themselves. Win your time back - and end overwhelming and late night prep - with fun, easy-to-make, interactive worksheets students love.
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Classtime is a solution for classrooms that complements in-class teaching with immediate feedback on students’ level of understanding.
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Create beautiful interactive timelines that you can share on the web. Perfect for company history timelines and school projects.
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Sutori is a collaborative instruction and presentation tool for the classroom. For all age groups, Sutori is the perfect partner for Social Studies and English Language and Arts (ELA) multimedia assignments.
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Factile is a free learning platform that lets teachers create engaging jeopardy-style quiz games for the remote or in-person classroom
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JeopardyApp allows you to create your own version of Online jeopardy-style game without PowerPoint .
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Our screen capture tools help you easily create, edit and communicate with videos and images. Simple and intuitive tools to share your ideas.
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Browse hundreds of TED-Ed Animations and TED Talks - designed to spark the curiosity of your learners. You'll also find thousands of other video-based lessons organized by the subjects you teach.
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TaskuTark on haridusplatvorm, mis on varustatud erinevate õppematerjalide, teadmiste testide ja kirjastus Mauruse e-õpikutega.
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With our ever-effective flashcards, an AI Learning Assistant and new expert explanations, get a suite of science-backed study tools at your fingertips.
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Real-time insights into student understanding through interactive lessons, interactive videos, gamification, and activities—all in a single platform.
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Designed by educators, Classcraft provides behavioral insight and motivational support for students, teachers, schools, and districts to collaborate and grow in one empathetic learning environment.
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